Our Mission
Transitional Youth Services provides shelter, basic needs, life skills education and advocacy services for disenfranchised youth by supporting independent thought and empowering self-directed action.
Transitional Youth Services (TYS) provides three unique programs, including a drop-in center, transitional living program, and permanent supportive housing project. It is the goal of these programs to fill the need of sheltering and housing options, basic needs, life skills education and advocacy services for transitioning young adults ages 16 - 26 who are homeless or are at risk of being homeless.

Stepping Stones Resource Center is a drop in center located at 711 S University Drive, Fargo, ND. Memorial Day - Labor Day open Monday through Friday 8am-6pm; Saturday 10am-6pm. Labor Day to Memorial Day open Monday through Sunday 8am-8pm. Stepping Stones provides case management and access to basic needs such as bus passes, hygiene items, free laundry, blankets, computer and Wifi access, food, clothing, and children’s items including diapers, wipes and formula. We serve lunch weekdays from 12p-1p and hot breakfast on Wednesday mornings at 9:30. During the winter months SSRC adds an extended hours shelter program from 8p-8a to serve youth as the shelters in the area fill due to inclement weather.
Transitional Living Program was started in 2010 for transitional aged youth who are experiencing homelessness or at the highest risk of becoming homeless. Currently, we can serve 5 youth in our current housing. The program is 90 days assists youth in accessing permanent housing and other support services through case management offered to those in our program.
The Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) project opened May 2014. This program is the first of its kind in the state of North Dakota. Individual single-room units are leased to youth ages 18-26 who have been determined the "hardest to house" individuals. Residents sign 12 month leases and work with staff on independent living skills, increasing their income potential, developing positive rental history, etc. Each room comes furnished and includes a vanity with sink, mini-fridge and built in storage. Residents share a bathroom and kitchen. The property is staffed and rests in a prime residential location right next to a bus line.
Transitional Youth Services Reports and Notices:
SSRC Report No. 6.10
SSRC Report No. 10.10
HMIS Privacy and Security Notice
North Dakota HMIS Governance — Institute for Community Alliances (icalliances.org)